Compliance is a term that is understood in various ways - usually as an internal system of organization of the business activity, aimed at counteracting violations of law and ethics. This system consists of sets of corporate values, internal procedures, activities aimed at building an appropriate organizational culture, training, motivating and sanctioning factors as well as supervisory and control systems.
The issue of relevant compliance rules is extremely important from the perspective of avoiding financial liability of companies, which may result from the company's employees’ infringements of:
- the anti-corruption law (Polish and American - FCPA),
- the competition law,
- the labour law.
Anti-corruption rules are particularly applicable in relations with persons holding public functions, incl. doctors, nurses and staff employed in public health care. Our Law Firm specializes in assessing permissible forms of cooperation between the industry and the healthcare, as well as in developing appropriate procedures, agreements and extensive compliance systems the aim of which is to counteract irregularities in this area.
Our lawyers have extensive experience in supporting the construction of compliance systems - both in terms of business organization (procedures, supervisory systems), as well as conducting training and implementation of awareness of values that stand behind the adopted rules.
As part of our legal advisory services, we cooperate with companies and industry organizations (e.g. Polmed, Polish Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians) in building modern and effective compliance systems. We have extensive experience in implementing anti-corruption, anti-mobbing and antitrust procedures. Our specialization includes conducting very practical trainings and workshops for company employees in the aforementioned issues.